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WOFEX - World Food Expo Manila

Jane Saya

This year’s World Food Expo was held in Manila from August 2-5. It was jam packed not just with various stalls, booths, and people but also talks, competitions, and activities. Here’s a breakdown of what took place at the SMX Convention Center as well as the World Trade Center during a very lively 4 day expo.

The event was split between two areas which was understandable since there were so many brands and booths in both locations. They did provide a free shuttle service between the two locations and when you register to one location, you may use that confirmation of registration for the other location. The registration lines were very long in both venues and took some time, however, if you registered early via their website then your waiting time would be lessened.

The first thing you will notice in both venues is that outside the entrance doors there are already some booths set up that you can take a look at. At the World Trade Center there were some booths outside that were mostly farm produce and food items, while in the SMX Convention Center the booths were mostly liquor brands and beers showcasing their signature cocktails and brews.

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