Except for those with a fear of flying, people – no matter what his or her status in life – want to travel. Imagine seeing another place than where you were born and grew up. It’s an exciting event to meet new people, see those attractions you only watch on television or get a glimpse of in magazines.
Dr. Jun Ruiz, a world-class traveler, said it all: “I picture life as a huge classroom where learning is never-ending. My passion for travel comes from within – my personal wanderlust and the drive to see the world. Exploring new lands, getting to know the people, their history, culture and customs, as well as experiencing the amazing attractions around the world are my goals in traveling.”
Dr. Ruiz, who’s a gastroenterologist at The Medical City, considers traveling as a lifestyle for better health. “I have experienced wonderful benefits in my mental and physical health,” he explains. “Going on a vacation creates a healthy break from our daily grind, increases happiness, and creates beautiful memories by increasing serotonin and other happy hormones.
“The experience of travel promotes our brain health, by expanding knowledge, creating a wider perspective in life, and promoting our personal growth,” he continues. “We experience a boost in our physical health and fitness during travel, as we meet our daily exercise requirements. Overall, it makes a person well-rounded and promotes a work-life balance.”
But there’s a flip side to traveling. “Both local and international travel entails certain risks to health, depending on the characteristics of both the traveler and the travel,” says Dr. Lucky R. Cuenca, an interventional cardiologist also at The Medical City. “These risks vary greatly depending on the destination, the itinerary, the duration of travel as well as the medical history of the traveler.”

One of the most common traveler’s illnesses is turista, a nice name for traveler’s diarrhea. Actually, it comes in different names: Montezuma’s revenge, Delhi belly, Hong Kong dog, Tiki trots, Casablanca crud, and Kathmandu quickstep.