If you enjoy adventures and exploring new places that are sometimes off the beaten path, then a backpacker’s style of traveling may be right up your alley. The constant change in scenery and making the most of every place while being on a budget can be a fulfilling challenge to undertake. It takes equal parts planning and spontaneity to enjoy this kind of travel. Here are some tips to keep in mind when backpacking anywhere in the world.
The first thing you should think about before going backpacking is the actual backpack. Your backpack or choice of bag is going to be your companion throughout your whole trip. It has to keep your things safe as well as be ergonomic in a sense that it’s not going to overly strain your shoulders and such. It should be able to efficiently carry all the things you need, as well as make your packing and unpacking easier.

When choosing a bag, look for one that has many pockets to it. You want to be able to pack different things into different compartments to keep track of everything and to stay organized. If you plan to bring a laptop with you then make sure to look for a bag that has a laptop sleeve. If you plan to bring a water bottle (and you most certainly should) then look for a bag that has a bottle holder or compartment.
If you have money to spend on a bag then you should definitely look into anti-theft backpacks and bags. If you want to lessen your paranoia when traveling then you might have to extend your budget a little. Although they might be pricey, at least you don’t have to constantly think about your things, especially in highly populated tourist sites and destinations.
It goes without saying that if you are backpacking around the world, you have to pack efficiently. One way to do that is to use packing cubes. Packing cubes ensures that you can pack more items into a smaller space. And, you’ll be able to separate your clean clothes from your used clothes when moving from one accommodation to another, or one country to another. There’s nothing worse than shoving everything into one space and then rummaging through all the mixed-up stuff in order to find the one thing you need.
If you are backpacking and are staying in budget accommodation, of course you have to adjust your expectations when it comes to the amenities—especially if you are planning to stay at hostels for the majority of the time. When sharing a room and bathroom there are things you need to think about.
For example, you might want to invest in a good extension cord. If you have to share a room with people, and everyone is charging their phones and laptops, there will be moments where you have to wait your turn. Bringing your own extension cable will ensure that you won’t have to wait a few hours for other people to finish up. It also comes in handy if you happen to choose a bed that is not close to an electrical outlet.
Another thing you need to consider if you are backpacking from one continent to another are the plugs. Make sure to bring a universal adapter for your devices. Not all countries have the same kind of plugs and if you want to have a hassle free time when it comes to your devices then make sure to think ahead and get yourself a universal adapter that you can take with you everywhere. They don’t take up much space at all so there’s no excuse for not having one.
It goes without saying that if you are backpacking around the world, you have to pack efficiently.
For hygiene purposes when staying at hostels and sharing bathrooms or common spaces such as locker rooms with other people, make sure to bring your own flip flops or slippers. As much as possible, avoid taking a shower in a shared bathroom with your bare feet touching the floor. It’s best to have footwear since there are a lot of germs and bacteria that stay on the damp floor of bathrooms. You cannot be sure that the other people sharing the space with you are being hygienic, so, it is best to protect yourself. Bringing a pair of slippers doesn’t take up that much space and does not add that much weight to your bag. You can keep them in their own plastic bag, or if you are in a bit of a pickle you can always store them in a shower cap. Yes, that’s right! A plastic shower cap makes a perfect shoe wrap if you need to put everything into one bag. It will make sure that your footwear does not contaminate anything else.
When backpacking, it’s important to keep the sense of adventure going by being flexible when it comes to your itinerary, but also being smart enough to foresee the problems that may come your way during your trip. The little changes you make, whether it’s bringing an adapter, or keeping those free shower caps from previous travels will affect your overall experience greatly.