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Manila Foods And Beverages Expo is back again this year with another vibrant 5 day event from June 14th to the 18th at the World Trade Center. Key players in the food and beverage industry were out on display along with some newcomers to the scene. 

The entire World Trade Center was filled with booths upon booths of all types of food and beverages as well as manufacturers and kitchen appliances. Everything that you would need to start your own F&B business you could find all under one roof. In addition, if you already have your own F&B business, MAFBEX is a great place to find potential partners, better suppliers, and new products. 

If you are not a business owner and not looking to open your own business, there was still a lot to see and experience at the event. For one, you could discover local manufacturers of goods and local produce from farms in the Philippines. It’s one way to discover local and support local as well. Regions from all over the country were represented and they showcased their best. You could even purchase products at a discounted price during the event. An example of this was fruit stands who were selling home grown fruits that were very cheap compared to the usual supermarket prices that we see. It’s an opportunity to stock up on some pantry items as well as fresh products that you may not normally buy or can easily find.

Of course if there were local products and vendors, there were also international sellers, distributors, products, and manufacturers. There were wines, chocolates, liqueurs, and snacks from all over the world. Some booths offered free taste testers so you could sample the product before deciding to purchase it. There were some brands and products I have seen before and are more familiar with, and there were also many that were new to me which was interesting to see.

Aside from the booths, there were various stages spread throughout the space wherein different shows and talks were happening. There was a stage at the lobby area by the entrance where chefs from around the world shared some tips and tricks when it comes to cooking. There were demonstrations of basic skills to even more advanced skills as well as quick tutorials such as how to cook the perfect steak, how to make Salmon Tataki, Miso Glazed Pork, chocolate chip cookies and such, a lesson in sustainability in the kitchen and so much more. They even had chefs who come from well loved restaurants such as the Mango Tree Restaurant which is known for some of the best Thai dishes that you can get in the metro.

There were also awards handed out such as “Best Booth” which was awarded to Master Siomai. They had a vibrant large setup with of course a section that was selling their crowd favorite siomai. They also had mini recreations of Master Siomai stores which were quite cute to look at, and if you were lucky and came at the right time, they had some mascots too!

They also had a section that was called MAFBEX Scoop. This is where they showcased some of the most innovative and interesting products that the industry has to offer. There were some cool and enticing snacks, drinks I have never heard of before, as well as appliances and equipment that were new and exciting. They placed this section at the lobby area where you come in which is a great spot so that everyone can get a chance to see the different products highlighted. Sometimes when it’s crowded and you are trying to navigate through the sea of people and aisles, it’s easy to miss things. At least with this section by the entrance, you’ll get to see some cool stuff before you even enter the main area.

If you needed a quick respite or to fuel up on some food the extension tent was the place to be. There were quick snacks as well as full meals on offer and an array of drinks to choose from. The extension tent is also where the cooking competition and the talks took place so you could watch and listen while eating a snack. If you’re lucky you may even be able to snag a seat in the audience section of the cooking competition to rest your legs and feet while enjoying the show. Aside from the cooking competitions that took place, there was also a Flair Cup where contestants showcased their skills in cocktail making. 

There’s always much to see and much to try at MAFBEX. From tasting food and drinks, to discovering new brands and equipment, as well as learning from professionals in the industry and watching newcomers show off their skills and talents. If you live outside of Luzon and are curious about this bustling F&B event, don’t fret, they also do conventions in other parts of the country. Catch the IFBEX at the Iloilo Convention Center on July 11-14 and the CEFBEX at the IEC Convention Center in Cebu on September 12-15. 


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