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Hospitality Superstars

Vic Alquaz


Christine Marie Cua

It not very often you find executives in the hospitality industry that have reached the top while climbing one singular staircase. A great majority of general managers, resident managers, and chiefs of marketing, sales, food & beverage, human resources and finance have worked in several hotel chains and in many destinations, here and overseas before reaching the top!

One of the very few exceptions to this reality in a hospitality career is Christine Marie Cua, now Resident Manager (RM) of The Manor at Camp John Hay, one of the premier hotel destinations in the summer capital, Baguio City. An RM is the property’s number 2 in rank, making Christine just a heart beat away from being the number one boss, or General Manager.

Christine started her career as an on-the-job-trainee straight from school in 2004. The Manor was so impressed with her passion and diligence during this training period they decided to immediately absorb her as a Front Office Receptionist. Through her dedication and spirit to lead, she rose from the ranks until her promotion to the RM post last June 2017.

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